
    What Is A Weight To Height Ratio? How Can A BMI Calculator Help?

    It’s becoming increasingly popular for people to measure their body fat, especially as it pertains to fitness. It’s important to note that there is no such thing as a perfect body size because everyone is unique and there are so many factors that come into play when considering a weight to height ratio. What is important however is that we keep fit and stay within a healthy range – this is how a BMI calculator is helpful as it makes finding out a healthy range a little easier. 

    What Is A Weight To Height Ratio? 

    Weight to height ratio simply means the appropriate body weight in relation to height. 

    What Is BMI?

    BMI or body mass index can be defined as the estimate of one’s body fat.  It is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A body mass index shows whether a person has a good and adequate body weight. With a body mass index calculator, it is very easy to check for the risk of diseases like obesity.  The body mass index calculator does not measure fat directly; rather, it is moderately correlated with more direct measures of body fat. Therefore a body mass index is the ratio of weight to height. Using the BMI calculator, you can easily get your body fat range. It is a convenient tool to measure obesity because it is an inexpensive tool that only requires information on height and weight. Sometimes BMI calculators may overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build. It may also underestimate body fats in people who have lost muscle. Note that weight to height ratio can be a screening tool, but it does not diagnose the body fat directly. Sometimes the weight to height ratio can indicate a health risk. Therefore it is important for a health care provider to perform a further assessment. These further assessments include skinfold thickness measurement, evaluations of diet, physical activities and family history.

    BMI According To The National Institute Of Health

    BMI for adults The weight to height ratio for adults 20 years and above can be interpreted using standard weight status categories. This standard weight status is the same for men and women of all body types and ages.

    • 24.9 is considered ideal 
    • underweight BMI for adults – less than 18.5
    • overweight BMI for adults – 25 and 29.9
    • obesity BMI for adults – 30 indicates 

    The above estimate shows that people who are overweight have some excess body fat for their height. Also, people who are obese have a large amounts of body fat for their height. We should be careful about having too much body weight to avoid obesity. This is because the higher the BMI, the higher the chances or risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, gallstones, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and certain cancers ranging from colon, breast, endometrial and gallbladder. 

    BMI For Children And TeensBMI of people between the ages of 2 to 20 years old is determined by using a BMI table, which compares the height and weight along with growth charts. This growth chart produces a weight to height ratio using percentiles.

    • underweight BMI for kids – weight to height ratio of less than 5th percentile. 
    • normal BMI for kids – weight to height ratio of 5th percentile to less than 85th percentile 
    • overweight BMI for kids – 85th to less than 95th percentile
    • obese BMI for kids – equal to or greater than the 95th percentile 

    Why Can’t a Healthy Weight to Height Ratio be Provided For Children And Teens? 

    For adults, 24.9 is considered the healthy range, while for children, it is hard to say the exact healthy range because the interpretation of BMI for children and teens depends on weight, height, age and sex. 

    How To Use BMI Calculator

    • Enter your weight and height using standard or metric measures 
    • Select compute BMI and your BMI will appear

    What Are Other Ways To Access Body Fat Composition Aside From Using A BMI Calculator?

    • Skinfold thickness measurement (calipers
    • Underwater weighing 
    • Bioelectrical impedance 
    • Dual-energy X-ray absorption (DXA)
    • Isotope dilution 

    However, unlike BMI, these other methods are not readily available. For you to access them, you will need the assistance of skilled personnel. These methods are quite expensive too. Some of these methods also make standardization difficult across machines and observers. This makes comparisons across time and period complicated.  

    How Good Is Weight To Height Ratio As An Indicator Of Body Fat? 

    The similarities between body fat and weight to height ratio are fairly strong, but even if two people have the same BMI, their level of body fat may differ. Generally, women tend to have more body fat than men. Males that are of African heritage have less body fat than males of caucasian heritage, even at the same BMI. Older people tend to have more body fat than younger adults at the same BMI.  Athletes have less body fat than non-athletes at the same BMI.

    In conclusion, we can check our body fat using a BMI calculator. Always ensure to check yours periodically to keep track of your body weight to keep it at a healthy range, to avoid becoming underweight or overweight.


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