When you experience an anxiety flare-up, take some time out and have a thought on what exactly is making you so stressed out. Anxiety is usually a result of future anticipation or recollection of a past distressing event. In today’s demanding world, managing anxiety is a valuable life skill. This article shares 8 ways to naturally do this & tells you when to see a doctor.
For some, anxiety can manifest as physical symptoms (hives, sweating, redness) while for others it could manifest in the form of insomnia, irritability or through digestive concerns. For instance, you may be stressed and nervous that something unpleasant is going to happen in the near future. Or perhaps you continuously have feelings of being upset because of something that recently occurred. Irrespective of what you have been worried about, a major portion of the problem is that you are not being mindful of the current moment. Anxiety loses a lot of its hold when you clear your head from worry and bring your awareness back to the present.
So next time your anxiety tries to dominate you by trying to pull you out of the present, take your control back by pausing, sitting down and taking some deep breaths in and out. By simply doing this, you can invite the feeling of being a bit more grounded and rooted into the current moment.
8 Ways To Manage Anxiety
1. Focus on what’s really bothering you
The symptoms of anxiety, which could also manifest as chest pains, a rapid heartbeat, or trembling are usually pretty demanding that it makes trying to understand what’s causing the anxiety seemingly less important. However, in order to find out the root cause of it and manage anxiety well, it is important that you try to focus and figure out what’s really bothering you. To get to the root of your anxiety, try to explore your feelings and thoughts, perhaps by journaling. Writing can be a good way to be fully aware of what’s happening inside you. If your anxiety keeps you up during night, try writing to keep track those thoughts.
2. Focus on what you can fix
A lot of times, anxiety can begin from stressing on things that have not yet happened and in fact, quite possibly may even never come about. For example, although everything is generally alright, you may still remain anxious about possibly losing income – getting fired from your current job, or you may fear getting sick, or worrying about the safety of your loved ones. You can replace these worries by modifying your general behaviour towards them. For example, instead of worrying about the security of your job, focus on how competent you are at your role. Or instead of stressing about the safety of your loved ones, focus on trying to spend time with them. This switch takes practice but it can certainly be done and is effective.
3. Focus on something not anxiety-provoking
It may be quite helpful to give yourself a different direction to go off on so that you could invest in things that are soothing. You may want to spend time with others, keep busy with household chores or get involved with a hobby. The key is to find something that’s fun and easy. Here are some examples:
- Activities that require creativity like drawing, playing games, or writing
- Physical activities and exercising
- Learning an instrument
- Get entertained by reading books or watching movies
4. Yoga
A good way to manage anxious thoughts is to divert yourself from the situation. You need to focus your energy and attention elsewhere and yoga is a good way. The activity allows you to not only work the body, but it also allows for connectedness between you and yourself. This can help with stress levels while providing the other obvious physical benefits
5. Aromatherapy
Whether aromatherapy in candle or oil form, this is a soothing practice. Get your hands on a scent known to be relaxing such as lavender, lemongrass or sandalwood. There has been a lot of studies recently on aromatherapy, especially the scent of lavender and it’s helpfulness for easing and managing anxiety symptoms
6. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
This type of talk therapy is helpful in helping to reframe issues and concerns and is popular for the treatment of stress and anxiety. Cognitive behavioral therapy assists people by allowing them to learn several different ways of thinking patterns and better responding to anxiety-related situations. A CBT therapist can help you create ways to alter negative thought behaviours and patterns before they get aggravated.
7. Modify your diet & add supplements
Modifying your diet and adding supplements is a long-term strategy. A number of supplements and nutrients can help manage anxiety and even reduce it. These may include:
- lemon balm
- omega-3 fatty acids daily
- green tea and valerian root
- dark chocolate consumer moderately
8. Maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle
Adopting a healthy lifestyle as a whole could prove to be the most efficient way of improving anxiety symptoms. These could include engaging in regular exercise, having balanced meals, getting adequate sleep, having social or adopting regular mindful practices like meditation.
When To See A Doctor For Anxiety
It is quite possible that even after following the above mentioned proven measures, the improvements you notice are minimal. If you have unfortunately come to this point, it is highly recommended that you consult a doctor or a therapist and explore the next set of options with them. This is because it may now mean that it may be beyond your control to solely manage anxiety and that your anxiety is at a point that might be hindering your daily life, in which case you should not have to deal with this on your own. See a doctor and get that help you deserve.