
    COVID-19 Stats, Information & Updates

    Coronavirus World Map

    The interactive map provides the breakdown of coronavirus cases worldwide. It has information on confirmed cases, recovered cases, death and active cases. Explore the chart to find a country-by-country live breakdown of new and total cases. It shows the latest stats and information related to COVID-19. Keep up to date with this COVID map.

    World COVID-19 Infected Cases Stats Bar Chart

    This chart provides information of total cases of COVID-19 and gives breakdown of active, recovered and death cases for the 10 most affected countries into bar charts.

    Coronavirus USA Map Statistic & Rates

    Explore a highly visual Coronavirus interactive map state-by-state of all recovered, active and death cases. Search or click to find out the state you require.

    World COVID-19 Infected Cases Charts

    This chart provides information of total cases of COVID-19 and gives breakdown of active, recovered and deaths of the 10 most affected countries into graph format.

    World COVID-19 Infected Cases Stats Pie Chart

    Breakdown of 10 most affected countries by pie charts format, depicting all you need to know for the worst affected countries.