Overview Of Valgus Calcaneus
Valgus Calcaneus, also known as clubfoot, is a physical issue present at birth in the lower leg and foot. This occurs when the feet turn down and inward.
Commonly Associated With
Talipes; Talipes equinovarus
Causes Of Valgus Calcaneus
Valgus Calcaneus is the most typical congenital leg disorder, meaning it starts at birth. The condition ranges from stiff, flexible, or serve movement in the foot.
The condition can be hereditary, but its origin is unknown. You are more likely to have this if you are male and have family living with clubfoot. Other genetic conditions can influence if you can contract clubfoot, like trisomy 18.
Positional clubfoot is a different condition in the foot that occurs when a baby’s foot is improperly placed in the womb. This can then be fixed after birth.
Symptoms Of Valgus Calcaneus
Both or a singular foot can have Valgus Calcaneus. The feet can range in how they look.
Correcting this can be difficult, because with the foot turned inward, it can be hard to fix its placement. This issue can also slightly make the foot and calf muscle shorter than usual.
Exams & Tests
The disorder is identified during a physical examination.
An Ultrasound in the first 6 months of pregnancy may assist in locating an issue in the foot. And a foot x-ray could help, as well.
Treatment Of Valgus Calcaneus
Valgus Calcaneus is treatable by moving a foot into its indented position, and using a cast to hold it in place. Treatment like this should be done as soon as possible after birth, and it should be done by an orthopedic surgeon.
Typically, 5 to 10 castings are needed to correct foot position. A new cast is needed generally every week, and the last cast is placed for about 3 weeks. A child could wear a brace meant for holding this correction for up to 3 months. Afterwards, a child could wear the brace for as long as 3 years when sleeping.
A hardened Achilles tendon is also a result of Valgus Calcaneus. However, a small surgery can alleviate this problem.
If the case is serious and recurrent, then surgery might be needed to alleviate the problem. In general, a child should see a primary care provider for their condition until their foot is completely developed.