
    Nutrition & Recipes

    What Level Of Blood Sugar Is Dangerous?

    Knowing your blood sugar level is very important. This is because the slightest increase or decrease when not properly accounted for can expose you...

    Traditional Chinese Medicine Ways To Keep Your Skin Healthy During Winter

    Brutal winter months can be the harshest on our skin. The lack of sun combined with frigid cold temperatures are more than enough to...
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    Is Melatonin Safe? How Much To Take?

    A good night’s sleep is a blessing, but not everyone is able to get it. Sometimes, we even use support through the form of...

    5 Safe and Natural Remedies To Soothe Your Autistic Child

    When your autistic child is overwhelmed and stressed out, you would do anything to soothe them. Like many parents, you might not know where...

    How To Interpret Infant Poop

    Who knew that when your first child arrived, the primary topic of conversation for the foreseeable future would become poop? In our house, we’re...

    Natural Constipation Support For Kids

    As a pediatric nurse practitioner, I frequently get questions from parents/caregivers about constipation. How do I help my child poop without pain? Should my...

    High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) & The Research

    High intensity interval training (HIIT), has caught momentum in the past five to ten years and is recognized by The American College of Sports...
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    High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) & The Research

    High intensity interval training (HIIT), has caught momentum in the past five to ten years and is recognized by The American College of Sports...

    Nutrition For Kids: A Doctor’s Tips

    Parents, it’s important to understand what it means for your kids to eat healthily. I can help ensure your kids are getting adequate nutrition...

    Stressed Or Fatigued? Do Adaptogens, Not Coffee

    Individuals prone to stress or fatigue tend to reach for stimulants for energy. But little do we know the effects coffee can have on...

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    MBBS, FCPS – Oncology


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