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    Diseases A-Z






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    Telemedicine & E-Health. The Future Of Healthcare?

    The use of technology and the internet continue to increase, with more than half the world’s populace being active web users. Advancement of the...

    9 Ways To Naturally Improve Your Digestive Health

    Health experts describe our gut as the body’s inner ecosystem. It is home to over a hundred trillion bacteria, which play a vital role...

    Fighting Diabetes- A Doctor’s Prescription

    Diabetes is a metabolic disease which typically presents as high sugar in the blood. Diabetes is seen in two types - type 1 and...

    3 Common Signs Of Alzheimer’s Disease

    Alzheimer’s Disease affects more than 6.2 million Americans and over 50 million people worldwide. In spite of these numbers, little is known about preclinical...

    7 Strategies To Improve Your Emotional Health As A Parent

    Putting your emotional health first is usually a challenge, especially if you are a parent. Since parents run on a scarcity of sleep, time...

    Is The Red Dot Pityriasis Rosea? Here’s What To Do

    If you are like most people, the red rashes you noticed on your torso (central part of your body) or arm would be a...

    Here’s Why You Should Also Wear Sunscreen When You’re At Home

    Quarantining at home during this never-ending pandemic has certainly shifted the way we live and work. From being stuck in our remote offices to...

    Stressed Or Fatigued? Do Adaptogens, Not Coffee

    Individuals prone to stress or fatigue tend to reach for stimulants for energy. But little do we know the effects coffee can have on...

    What’s The Best Kind Of Probiotic? How Can They Help?

    About a trillion bacteria live in our gut, which are accompanied by yeasts and fungi. Out of the 1,000 different species, 5,000 distinct bacterial...
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